Mystical Writings From A Spiritual Journey Volume Two
In this second volume, Joseph Machney
continues his Mystical Writings From a
Spiritual Journey through seventy-nine
short essays, exploring topics such as
Being Human, Relationships, Love,
Your Life Here, and many more. As the
collection takes the reader through
metaphysical ideas and thought experiments that are designed to challenge and expand their mind, Joseph asks the reader to question their reality and the society that they are a part of with
its many absurdities. As the journey reaches its closing chapter, they are left with a sense of peace and a calmness that is taken a step further through
the last chapter, Trust and Faith. In this final chapter, the reader is asked a self-defining question, do you have trust and faith in the part of you that is Spirit having a human experience and your own path that will you take you back to the ocean that we are all a part of?