Joseph Machney
From a certain point of view, we base our collective society experience on how we were raised to see the world. This perspective is expressed through a myriad of cultures, traditions, norms, religions and academic opinions that have influenced us to form a foundation of which we rely on to relate to each other and the world.
This is the structure of the world that we have been born into. Our history books, or books that reflect the way of life at certain points in history have either been true accounts of what had occurred or have been filtered out to fit a particular narrative that we currently uphold today.
I offer this as a consideration when one inserts book burning into the equation. Esoteric knowledge remains in our current society to the degree that if one were to thread the pieces together than a very different history would soon come into their awareness. There is always another vantage point to explore.
With this is mind, how does this duality show up in everyday life? This can be further narrowed down through the question, where is our focus being directed? Government and their areas of influence and expression, education, religion and traditions can be seen as holding patterns or programs. The network of our society forms a tapestry that is in a lot of ways a combination of these. They have become so deeply woven into our collective psyche that it takes much effort to see above the clouds. And when one does, they are often alone given the separation from the collective that is the cause and effect experience; leaving the lower density that is this reality.
This reality, in truth, is an agreement to uphold a collective standard and through that subscription you are bound by these limitations and so they become you. This is the mindset. It has been steered throughout history by people seeking power for themselves. Education has been focused on the cultivation of intelligence which has been a standard for a level of adeptness within the relationships to the societal pillars of expression and one’s ability to navigate them with ease. This ignores body wisdom, emotional intelligence and spiritual intuitiveness as these cannot be quantified in a way that can be relatable to an intelligence equivalence. This is saying that it cannot be placed in a box because the combination of variables is too varied and complicated to form accurate conclusions. This, I feel, is why the arts are often not as well funded as the left-brain academic curriculums. The intuitive expressions cannot be controlled, and their results are often open to various interpretations.
The government can be rather broad in its meaning and influence, depending on the country, but generally it is set up more or less as borders and conditions that we become a part of as our unconscious agreement when we become a citizen. Again, another layer of control which depending on the country and its laws is masked as a level of freedom or imprisonment.
Religion can be seen as a guidebook to salvation through one’s belief structure that is dictated by a doctrine and dogma and yet the emergence of these come through the lack of understanding the afterlife. From having one’s heart weighed against a feather to the following of the ten commandments in order to reach the Kingdom of Heaven and everything else inbetween. Do not get me wrong, there are benign aspects within all religions, but my main focus is on the controlling through fear of the unknown through an unprovable possibility.
Through our collective limited emotional development, the experience of fear along with what are perceived as negative emotions are uncomfortable as they overwhelm the physical body. Our mind tries to draw an explanation as to what this is and yet speaks another language of which the two entities, the emotional and physical body, are unable to decipher. This vulnerability begs for a remedy of which the mind is so eager to give an explanation for.
Norms and traditions come from a similar point of origin, being that they are the continuation of what is comfortable and familiar and yet in a way keeps us stagnate in our personal spiritual growth. When seen from this lens then the question, ‘is this helping me grow or keeping me stuck?’ can be asked and in my opinion should be often considered.
The people in positions of power and influence in the world hold their positions solely because the masses are unable to see past the boundaries and parameters that have been set up through them, either visible or invisible. This form of mind control is weighted heavily on the collective masculine suppression within society which manifests through the systems I mentioned earlier. As these often have a masculine origin, be it from Egypt, Rome, Greece or other earlier civilizations, their philosophies have endured into now and have been accepted as the way things are. Consider the question, why have indigenous cultures been suppressed throughout the world? What are their beliefs and traditions based on?
This is where I feel the transition is happening and as painfully slow as this unravelling appears to be on the world stage, I feel the respect and acknowledgement of the true feminine expression is on its way. As we have stepped into the Age of Aquarius, on November 19, the transition has begun.
To quote, “Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of rebellion, revolution, and all things unconventional. So, it’s no surprise that the Age of Aquarius is all about shaking up the status quo. This era is poised to be a time of technological leaps, social progress, and a growing focus on community and the greater good. Forget about rigid hierarchies and old-school institutions. Aquarius is here to decentralize power, encouraging collaboration and equality.
Expect to see a rise in grassroots movements, innovative solutions to global problems, and a push for more humanitarian approaches to everything from politics to business. Aquarius energy is all about breaking free from tradition, embracing the new, and thinking outside the box. This is the age where science fiction could start to look like reality, as advancements in technology and society come together to create a future that’s both exciting and unpredictable.”
As I watch this develop through the awareness that I have shared here, I will stay neutral and not attached to what appears to be the current manifestations of the collective consciousness.
There is always something more happening underneath the surface as the bigger picture continues to unfold into our reality. What a time to be alive!!
