When people say you are powerful and yet expressions of what you have thought to be power have not yielded the results that you have hoped for, how can you be seen as a powerful person?
What has defined that power within your reality or the fabric of society? Is it realistic?
Has there been a disconnection that you wrongly interpreted, making you feel powerless in a reality or a system that is not supportive of who you truly are?
With as much fear being propagated throughout the world at the moment, how can one feel empowered in their own life?
As I sit with these questions as the new year begins, I wonder how much conditioning we’ve taken on that has played a role in manipulating our sense of self? In the quiet of my mind, I realise the layers and layers of programming that we as a society have taken on to be a version of our truth. In the same breath as the questions go deeper in their ability to register and access the parts of who I am that is often unseen to the world, I find that therein the power resides.
Through the systems that have become the foundations of our society, we are taught from a young age that we are to look outside ourselves, that our five senses are how we experience the world and that is all there is. Our dreamtime is a slightly altered reality and yet they too are often interpreted through a similar lens of perception. We have been trained to see reality in a disempowering way. Why is that?
The coronavirus pandemic has been called an era by some as it has been going on for nearly two years and now that the omicron variant is here and in the consciousness of the masses, this pandemic does not seem to be letting up. It is ubiquitous, and yet we have been trained since we were children to give this our attention and therefore in an ontological way, we are continuing its existence.
This can go back to the old adage what we give attention to persists in our experience and in our orbit, attracting similar energies that in varying degrees, manifest into our reality; effectively playing out as cause and effect. This is a law of nature and cannot be disputed.
Yet how does this play into the feeling of being disempowered? The outside reality that we are all co-creating does not support the feeling of being an empowered individual. This pandemic era is proof of this and so has been the history over the past hundred or so years. Are we all victims of happenstance? Where is the self-autonomy in that? To continue what I mentioned a moment ago, has our self-awareness been manipulated into what we are taught to think and feel, through the interpretation of our experience through our five senses? Is this all we know or all we are told to know?
For how long have we been taught these limiting beliefs and why have we passed them onto the next generation, continuing these limiting structures? It is no wonder that we are scared and feel powerless in the face of this pandemic. We have been instructed to do so and follow these dictates because this is what we are told to know.
How do we grow and evolve if we continue to believe who we are told we are? How do we shift from this reality? What do we need to let go of that is an impediment to this liberation from the structure that we have all been conditioned to believe is the truth?
When people say you are powerful and yet expressions of what you have thought to be power have not yielded the results that you have hoped for, how can you be seen as a powerful person? Considering the content explored thus far, to me this means that the power within does not yet fit into the current model of society. The world is on the cusp of a transformation that has not happened throughout recorded history. This is monumental because it begs the question as to whether our recorded history is accurate or fabricated. The power that one may feel is not relevant does not mean that it is not a transformational expression that could have far reaching implications within the near future. Structure in of itself does not change and yet the nature and law of the universe clearly contradicts this and so in time structure must yield to this law and change, or in other words transform. As Telsa said, everything is frequency, energy and vibration and none of these are structured. They are continually in motion.
What has defined that power within your reality or the fabric of society? Is it realistic? The governments, the education systems, the religions and all other structures, including the media, that make up our society are predicated on conforming to them so that they can exist. Essentially this is believing in the reality that has been given to us as the truth. How does the best version of yourself fit into this structure? Does it? Perhaps it is not about failing to fit into society, but it is that society has failed to fit into who you are? How empowering is that thought during this time of spiritual transformation?!
Has there been a disconnection that you wrongly interpreted, making you feel powerless in a reality or a system that is not supportive of who you truly are? To further the last answer, people who feel this way are often the ones here on the planet at this time to help raise the vibration of the earth to usher in a new era of peace. We are not here to be another cog in the wheel. Once one fully takes that on as their truth then the powerful being that has been inside them can start to emerge.
With as much fear being propagated throughout the world at the moment, how can one feel empowered in their own life? In my humble opinion, the media is not here to inform you of what is going on in the world. On the surface it may appear that way, but underneath this is a low vibration designed to keep people subservient to the systems that are here to keep things the same. By following the status quo you become a part of the status quo. Please read the story Johnathan Livingston Seagull from 1977 for a lovely allegory of this. This is not a way to live one’s life.
So, as the year 2022 begins, what role will you play to feel self-empowered on this grand stage during this most auspicious time? To deepen the question, what will you allow yourself to express, no matter how unconventional it may seem at time? What are you afraid of giving up? Can you embrace the unknown and in so doing, find yourself and in time truly know yourself?